Vital documents are those essential papers you want to know where they are when you, or a loved one, need them.
Here’s our list. Check it twice and then put your vital documents in a safe place.
#10 – Birth Certificate
#9 – Social Security Card
#8 – Passport and Global Entry Card, if applicable
#7 – Insurance policies – home, life, car, jewelry, etc.
#6 – Marriage Certificate, and if applicable, Divorce Decree
#5 – Title(s): Car(s), Boat, etc.
#4 – Deed(s) to property, including burial plot(s)
#3 – Health Care Proxy and Power of Attorney, if applicable
#2 – Will and Living Will, if applicable
#1 – A current copy of everything in your wallet, including your driver’s license or Photo ID, your credit cards, your health insurance card, your pharmacy card, etc. It will make it easier to identify whom you need to contact should your wallet or purse ever be lost or stolen!